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Bi-directional mixing homogenizing solution proportioning tank

. 配料罐上部采用多層分流刮壁攪拌總成,采用活套連軸器連成由正轉刮壁葉和反轉多層分流式漿液組成。采用不同轉速及轉向對藥液進行高效混合。

. 底部采用高剪切乳化分散器和變頻調速攪拌,使藥液通過高剪切乳化分散器重定子與專子間隙運轉原理強化剪切混合的作用,達到快速而有效的混合均質。

. 適用于多種不同物料混合,罐體采用內膽,加溫層,保溫層等三層結構,用循環(huán)熱水對罐內進行加熱,具有混合性能強,真空效果好,加熱均勻,粗粒剪切,刮壁清洗方便。符合國家GMP衛(wèi)生標準要求。

This equipment scraping the upper wall of mixing multi-layer shunt assembly, with live sets from the couplings are transferred into a scrape with the wall leaves and reverse multi-Split slurry composition. Different speed and turn on the efficient liquid mixing.
2. The bottom of the high shear emulsification stirring device and frequency control, so that liquid was highly valued by high-shear emulsification operation of the stator and the special sub-gap principle to strengthen the role of shear mixing, to achieve rapid and effective mixing homogeneous.
3. This equipment is applicable to many different materials mixed with tank liner, heating layer, insulation layer three-tier structure, with a circulation hot water heating on the tank, with mixed performance, the vacuum effect, even heating , coarse cut, scrape the wall clean. GMP requirements in line with national health standards.


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