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描述:水浴式攪拌化膠罐是膠囊化膠 配料 真空 冷凝等生產(chǎn)工藝工序中的配套設(shè)備。本設(shè)備采用水浴式雙機多層分流刮壁攪拌總成,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,傳動平穩(wěn),工作性能穩(wěn)定


Water-bath bi-directional mixing glue-melting tank

攪拌化膠罐是膠囊化膠 配料 真空 冷凝等生產(chǎn)工藝工序中的配套設(shè)備。本設(shè)備采用水浴式雙機多層分流刮壁攪拌總成,結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,傳動平穩(wěn),工作性能穩(wěn)定。攪拌總成采用活套連軸器連接,由正傳和反轉(zhuǎn)多層分流式多向運動攪拌漿組成。攪拌傳動平穩(wěn),均質(zhì)效果好。整體有不銹鋼精制而成。罐體采用內(nèi)膽,加溫層,保溫層等三層結(jié)構(gòu),用循環(huán)熱水對罐內(nèi)進行加熱,具有加熱快 保溫性能強,能提高膠液質(zhì)量,加速膠液融化,縮短化膠時間等特點。內(nèi)膽封閉式,真空性能良好。*符合國家GMP衛(wèi)生標準要求,是膠囊醫(yī)藥行業(yè)作為化膠,配料 真空攪拌 均質(zhì)的理想設(shè)備。


It’s a supportive used for such production process procedures like capsule glue melting,proportioning,vacuum and condensation.It adopts the water-bath multi-layer diversion wall-scraping mixing assembly,which isfeatured by it’s compact structure,smooth transmission and stable working performance.It’s mixing assemblyadopts the joint coupling and consists of forward/reverse rotation multi-way movement mixing blades and scrapes,featured by its stable mixing transmission and good homogeneous effect.The whole is refined with stainless steel.The tank body adopts a threelayer structure:intermal bladder,heating layer.The tank inside is heated by the circulating hot water,featured by its fast heating,strong insulating property,higher glule melting,shorter glue melting time and so on.It’s intermal bladder is enclosed with good vacuum performance.It’s compley in conformity with the sanitation standards by china’sGMP,which is an ideal device for glue melting,proportioning,vacuum mixing and homogenizing in the capsule medicine industry.



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